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Worthing High School

Worthing High School

History - Curriculum Information

Curriculum Intent 

Curriculum Sequencing 

Aims of the History Department

The History department at Worthing High aims for students to acquire and develop:

•an overview of the past;

•an increasingly firm understanding of organising concepts;

•more purposeful and increasingly analytical enquiry;

•a grasp of the importance of historical interpretation.

Through their study of History, we hope students will gain:

•a deeper understanding of contemporary society;

•respect for social, cultural, ethnic and religious diversity;

•skills to actively participate in our complex and plural society.

In addition students will 

•develop their thinking

•develop debating skills

•become able writers

•gain confidence to speak

•to become independent learners

•to become resilient in their learning 

Departmental Staff

  • Mr J Oram - Subject Leader History
  • Mr M Rae - Teacher
  • Ms K Boyce - Teacher


  • Three designated Classrooms
  • Use of IT rooms
  • Use of the LRC

Our Philosophy

“No student should be left behind” is at the centre of our work in History. Not only do we want our students to understand the world we lived in but also to understand the world they live in now. Our philosophy is to develop not only Historical skills but also the moral, social, political and spiritual aspects of their development. 

Key Stage Three (Year 7-9)

History is taught three times a fortnight. Students are set in ability groups although they all cover the same topics and tasks are available to all to progress. We cover the Middle Ages right through to the present day focusing on selected aspects such as “Why did William win the Battle of Hastings?”, “Does Cromwell deserve a statue outside the Houses of Parliament?” and “Why was there revolution in Russia in 1917 ?” to an oral history study of the 1980’s collecting their own history.  

KS4 (Year 10 and 11)

At GCSE we study the Edexcel GCSE History course. This allows a breadth of history bringing in so many different time periods and develops their synoptic view of History. Students study Medicine Through Time from the Middle Ages to present day, Germany 1918-39 alongside The Cold War 1945-1991 and Early Elizabethan England 1558-1588.

Additional Sessions

Period 0 and period 6 are offered to students who need extra support with skills and revision according to need.

Revision Sessions

For Easter Revision Sessions, please see Exam Support and Timetables page - under Teaching & Learning.

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